Your one and only digital Business Card
Share your info with one tap
Statuso was built for your, to make unforgettable first impression and share your information in second
To use Statuso, you only need to touch mobile phone by your Statuso card or scan QR (for old version mobile phones). Its compatible with Android an iOS phones, no extra apps is needed.
  • Effective networking
    Contact details shared by Statuso card is appeared on mobile phone screen in a second and after saving to contacts list, it eliminates loss of potential clients and income due to losing or forgetting classic paper business cards
  • Speed
    In just a second your contact details is shared to others mobile phone and you can be easily contacted anytime, rather than classic paper cards, incomplete contact saving and losing time
  • Cost optimisation
    According to survey, companies in Georgia, spend more than 100GEL per yer per employee. In case of Statuso, you own one card without need of renewal
  • Save trees
    Statuso is made from 6 layer recyclable plastic and by owning one of Statuso cards you take care about environment. By purchasing 100 Statuso cards you save 3 trees
  • CRM Integration
    Statuso Card can be connected to various CRM systems for example, for lead generation and management.
  • Flexibility
    You can update Statuso Card data without changing card itself
Contact us
Tel: +995591649111
Abashidze 34-36, Tbilisi, Georgia
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